Curriculum Excellence
In Grades K-8, ACS utilizes the following curricular materials:
The Arcata Christian staff, administration and governing board voted in June of 2013 to adopt the Abeka Curriculum in grades K-8. Founded over 40 years ago, ABeka curriculum materials provide Christian schools with “high quality textbooks and teaching aids to help each school fulfill its educational goals.” ABeka is recognized as the standard of excellence in publishing of Christian textbooks and other scholastic materials.
The introduction in the ABeka School catalogue the goal of the publisher is clearly stated, “In contrast to Christian education, progressive education emphasizes social issues, promotes unbiblical philosophies, and rejects order and absolutes. Now more than ever, students need to be taught the accumulated wisdom of the past from a biblical worldview so they will have a firm foundation from which to evaluate the present and make proper decisions for the future. ABeka Book produces traditional educational material developed with a Christian perspective and validated by success of thousands of students over decades of time.”
You may visit the Abeka web site at:
ACS utilizes the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible.
ACS contracts with the Humboldt County Office of Education Resource Center for support materials.
The school utilizes the Iowa/CogAT standardized achievement testing program (grades 1-8) each spring.

Our Mission
Arcata Christian School exists to encourage families and provide a wholesome environment where students learn to live a Christ-centered life, realize their full academic potential, and share God’s love within the school and community.